主要科研项目 Research Projects
项目名称 | 项目来源 |
加速度计动态模型及参数辨识的研究 | 科学技术部重大仪器专项 |
复杂环境下被测目标智能识别方法及关键技术研究 | 科学技术部重大仪器专项 |
不完全量测下间歇过程测量数据异常智能检测与校正方法 | 北京市自然科学基金项目 |
量测滞后下的发酵过程状态在线估计方法研究 | 国家自然科学基金项目 |
主要论文Research Paper
1. Nonlinear state estimation based on improved high-degree cubature Kalman filter for fermentation process, Proceedings ofthe 28th ChineseControl andDecisionConference,2016, pp.1450 -1455.
2. Colored noise estimation algorithm based on autocovariance least-squares method, Proceedings ofIEEE 12thInternationalConference onElectronicMeasurement &Instruments, 2015, pp.481-486.
3. An accelerometer modeling approach based on mixed-kernel support vector machine, Proceedings ofthe WorldCongressonIntelligentControl andAutomation, 2016, pp.2760-2764.
4. Energy preserving chaotic particle swarm optimization algorithm with application in parameter identification in bioprocess. Chinese ControlConference, 2016, pp.2246-2251.
5. Design of adaptive robust square-root cubature Kalman filter with nois estatistic estimator, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2015, pp.352-367.
6. Nonlinear state estimation for fermentation process using cubature Kalman filter to incorporate delayed measurements. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2015, pp.1801-1810.
研究成果Research Achievements
长输管道安全监测 发酵过程软测量