
报告形式:网络直播 https://meeting.tencent.com/l/PbJ62WXgVAtp
报告人简介:苏宏业,博士,教授,博士生导师,工业控制技术国家重点实验室主任,浙江大学智能系统与控制研究所所长,国家杰出青年基金和创新研究群体项目获得者,长江特聘教授,国家万人计划创新领军人才。近年来与他人合作发表SCI收录学术期刊论文100余篇,SCI他引7000余次,出版中英文专著6本,获得授权发明专利37项。现任国际期刊JIMO主编、自动化学报编委、国际标准化委员会ISO TC184/SC5 WG5与WG12召集人、中国自动化学会常务理事、中国仪器仪表学会智能工厂专委会常务副理事长,浙江省自动化学会理事长、国家标准会委员会SAC/TC159 SC5主任委员等职务。
Title:New generation of intelligent factory in process industry based on industrial Internet platform
Abstract:Manufacturing industry is the main body of the real economy and the pillar of the national economy. In the new round of technological and industrial transformation, new information technologies such as industrial Internet, artificial intelligence, big data and cloud computing are promoting the deep integration and innovation of the Internet, intelligent technology and industrial manufacturing, which will surely lead the manufacturing industry to digital, networked and intelligent. The report will explain how to realize the development of the factory from digitalization and networking to intelligence oriented to high-quality development from three aspects: Industrial Internet platform and intelligent factory, how to realize the new generation of intelligent factory, and preliminary exploration of the new generation of intelligent factory, so as to grasp the opportunity of the new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation, and stand on the starting line of the new technological revolution with developed countries , competition and leapfrog development in the same platform.