


郭旦怀,男, 博士,教授。

先后主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家自然科学基金重大研究计划培育项目、科技部火炬计划子课题和中科院十二五信息化项目子课题10余项等。ACM GIS Cup2014国际竞赛获第一名,China VIS&Vast Challenge 2015三等奖 2018年二等奖,SpatialDI 2020一等奖,在Lancet, Nature Communication, WWW journalGeoinformatica, Plos ONE, Computers, Environment and Urban SystemsNeuroComputing,  Journal of Computer Science and Technology等国际期刊、DASFAA, PAKDDMDMACM SIGSPATIAL国际顶级会议发表学术论文近百篇,其中SCI收录40余篇。发明专利4项。





研究方向:超大规模时空地理计算、 高性能时空数据分析与可视化、深度学习、公共安全大数据分析与挖掘、公共卫生大数据机器学习

主要科研项目 Research Projects


















2020 SpatialDI Best Paper 一等奖

2019 中国科学院计算机网络信息中心“优秀员工”

2019 ACMSIGSPATIAL EM-GIS workshop Best Paper

2018 China VIS & Vast  Challenge二等奖

2016 ACMSIGSPATIAL EM-GIS workshop最佳论文

2015 China VIS & Vast  Challenge三等奖

2015 ACMSIGSPATIAL EM-GIS workshop最佳论文

2014 ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS Cup 第一名 (迄今为止大陆团队唯一次夺冠)

2014 WAIM Big-EM workshop最佳论文

2012 入选北京市朝阳区“青年英才计划”


中国图形图像学会 高级会员 可视化专委会委员

中国计算机学会 高级会员

中国自动化学会 混合智能专委会委员




国家知识产权局 外聘专家

Journal of Safety Science and Resilience, Editor Board

Data Science JournalSection Editor

Geoinformatica, “Spatial Computing in Emergency Management” Guest Editor

ACM SIGSPATIAL EM-GIS workshop 2017/2018/2019 Chair

ACM SIGSPATIAL EM-GIS workshop 2016 Co-Chair

ACM SIGSPATIAL EM-GIS workshop 2015 PC memberOrganizer

WAIM Big-EM workshop 2014 PC member


Selected Journal Paper


  1. Danhuai Guo, Shiyin Ge, Shu Zhang, Song Gao, Ran Tao, Yangang Wang . "DeepSSN: A deep convolutional neural network to assess spatial scene similarity." Transactions in GIS.


  1. Dhewantara, P. W., A. A. Mamun, W. Zhang, D. Guo, W. Hu, W. Yin, F. Ding and R. J. Magalhaes (2019). "Spatial distribution of leptospirosis incidence in the Upper Yangtze and Pearl River Basin, China: tools to support intervention and elimination." Science of The Total Environment 2020/04.1区  Top


  1. Dhewantara, P. W., A. A. Mamun, W. Zhang, D. Guo, W. Hu, W. Yin, F. Ding and R. J. Magalhaes (2019). "GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF HUMAN LEPTOSPIROSIS INCIDENCE IN THE UPPER YANGTZE AND PEARL RIVER BASIN, CHINA: TOOLS TO SUPPORT SURVEILLANCE AND FOCUSED INTERVENTION." American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 101: 336-337.3区】

  2. Dong, J., B. Chen, L. He, C. Ai, F. Zhang, D. Guo and X. Qiu (2019). "A Spatio-Temporal Flow Model of Urban Dockless Shared Bikes Based on Points of Interest Clustering." ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 8(8): 345.3区】

  3. 楠,,郭旦怀*,“社风险防范的三角形模型构建及用”系统工程理39(11)【管理学科国内顶刊】

  4. 王德,郭旦怀*舒,曹荣,王棡“食源性疾病事件智能探警平台”算机系019,28(9):102−109

  5. Guo, K., P. Yang, D. H. Guo and Y. Liu (2019). "Gas Leakage Monitoring with Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks." Procedia Computer Science 154: 430-438.

  6. Wang, Y., J. Li, Y. Zhong, S. Zhu, D. Guo and S. Shang (2019). "Discovery of accessible locations using region-based geo-social data." World Wide Web 22(3): 929-944.CCF-B  3区】

  7. Zhu, S., D. Wang, L. Liu, Y. Wang and D. Guo (2019). "Inferring region significance by using multi-source spatial data." Neural Computing and Applications: 1-9.CCF-C  2区】


  1. Danhuai Guo, Yingqiu Zhu, Wenwu Yin (2017 online) OSCAR: A framework to integrate spatial computing ability and data resource aggregation for Emergency management of public health, Geoinformatica 22(2) (SCI:2.09)。【CCF-B  2区】

  2. Danhuai Guo, Wenwu Yin, Hongjie Yu, Jean-Claude Thill, Weishi Yang, Feng Chen, Deqiang Wang.The role of socioeconomic and climatic factors in the spatio-temporal variation of human rabies in China. BMC Infectious Diseases 18 (1), 526 (SCI:2.62) 3区】

  3. Yan Wang, Jianmin Li, Ying Zhong, Shunzhi Zhu, Danhuai Guo, Shuo ShangDiscovery of accessible locations using region-based geo-social data, World Wide Web (SCI:1.15)CCF-B  3区】

  4. Xiaolong Deng, Yin Luan, Danhuai Guo, Yingtong Dou, Efficient CPS model based online opinion governance modeling and evaluation for emergency accidents, Geoinformatica 22(2) .(SCI:2.09)CCF-B  3区】

  5. 贾楠,郭旦怀,陈永强,刘奕,“面向社区风险防范的大数据平台理论架构设计”清华大学学报(自然科学版) 2019 592

  6. Liu C, Qian J, Guo D, Yi Liu. A Spatio-temporal Scenario Model for Emergency Decision. Geoinformatica, 22(2) (SCI:2.09).CCF-B  3区】

  7. PW Dhewantara, AA Mamun, WY Zhang, WW Yin, F Ding, D Guo, W Hu, Epidemiological shift and geographical heterogeneity in the burden of leptospirosis in ChinaInfectious Diseases of Poverty (7 (1), 57 SCI:2.71)3区】

  8. Jianmin Li, Yan Wang,Ying Zhong,Danhuai Guo, Shunzhi Zhu. Aggregate location recommendation in dynamic transportation networks. World Wide Web 21 (6), 1637-1653 (SCI:1.15) CCF-B  3区】

  9. Pandji Wibawa Dhewantara, Abdullah Al Mamun, Wen-Yi Zhang, Wen-Wu Yin, Fan Ding, Danhuai Guo, Wenbiao Hu, Ricardo J Soares Magalhães. Geographical and temporal distribution of the residual clusters of human leptospirosis in China, 2005–2016.SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 8 (1), 16650 (SCI:4.12)3区】


  1. Shang S, Zhu S, Guo D*, & Lu M (2017) Discovery of probabilistic nearest neighbors in traffic-aware spatial networks. World Wide Web: 20(5) 20 (5), 1135-1151(SCI:1.15).CCF-B  3区】

  2. 杨微石,郭旦怀*逯燕玲,王德强,朱映秋,张宝秀基于大数据的文化遗产认知分析方法--以北京旧城中轴线为例,地理科学进展 2017, 36(9).【地理学国内顶刊】

  3. Wenjuan Cui, Pengfei Wang, Yi Du, Xin Chen, Danhuai Guo, Jianhui Li, Yuanchun Zhou, (2017 online) An Algorithm for Event Detection Based on Social Media Data, Neurocomputing (SCI:3.241).CCF-C  2Top

  4. Li J, Wang Y, Zhong Y, Guo D, et al. Aggregate location recommendation in dynamic transportation networks[J]. World Wide Web-internet & Web Information Systems, 2017(12):1-17.CCF-B  3区】

  5. Cadavid Restrepo A M, Yang Y R, Nas H, et al. Land cover change during a period of extensive landscape restoration in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, China[J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2017, 598:669-679. (SCI:4.61)1区  Top


  1. Danhuai Guo*, Yingqiu Zhu, Wei Xu, Shuo Shang, Zhiming Ding (2016) “How to Find Appropriate Automobile Exhibition Halls: Towards a Personalized Recommendation Service for Auto Show” Neurocomputing,(SCI:3.241)CCF-C  2Top

  2. Shuo Shang, Danhuai Guo,* Zhewei Wei, Jirong Wen, (2016) “Prediction-based Unobstructed Route Planning”, Neurocomputing 213(SCI:3.241)CCF-C  2区  Top

  3. Shuo Shang, Lisi Chen  , Zhe-Wei Wei , Dan-Huai Guo*, and Ji-Rong Wen, (2016) “Dynamic Shortest Path Monitoring in Spatial Networks”  Journal of Computer Science and Technology 31(4): 637–648 2016(SCI:0.878)CCF-B  4区】

  4. 杜一, 郭旦怀*, 陈昕, 任磊, 戴国忠, DVIZ: 一种模型驱动的可视化生成系统, 软件学报, 27(5), pp. 1199-1211, 2016【计算机三大学报】

  5. 祝天刚, 郭旦怀, 王学志,. 基于短文本的食源性疾病事件探测技术[J]. 大数据, 2016, 2(2):88-99.【国内大数据专业学报】

  6. Shuo Shang, Danhuai Guo,* Jiajun Liu, Jirong Wen, (2015) “Finding Regions of Interest using Location Based Social Media” Neurocomputing 173, 118-123, (SCI:3.241)CCF-C  2Top


  1. Y Zhou, Y Zhang, Y Ge, Z Xue, Y Fu, D Guo, J Shao, T Zhu, X Wang, J Li* (2015),An efficient data processing framework for mining the massive trajectory of moving objects,Computers, Environment and Urban Systems (2015)SCI1.674

  2. Danhuai GuoZiqi ZhaoWei XuJinsong LanTao Zhang,Shuguang LiuJianhui LiYuanchun Zhou (2015), “How to Find a Comfortable Bus Route - Towards Personalized Information Recommendation Services”, Data Science Journal, 2015-05  (EI)

  3. 郭旦怀*,崔文娟,郭云昌,黎建辉(2015),“基于大数据的食源性疾病事件探测与风险评估”系统工程理论与实践 35(10)【国内管理类顶级刊物】


  1. 杜一,郭旦怀*,周园春,黎建辉,一种大规模时空数据处理与可视化平台 计算机研究与发展 2014【计算机三大学报】

  2. Gilbert, Marius; Golding, Nick; Zhou, Hang; Wint, G. R. William; Robinson, Timothy P.; Tatem, Andrew J.; Lai, Shengjie; Zhou, Sheng; Jiang, Hui; Guo, Danhuai; Huang, Zhi; Messina, Jane P.; Xiao, Xiangming; Linard, Catherine; Van Boeckel, Thomas P.; Martin, Vincent; Bhatt, Samir; Gething, Peter W.; Farrar, Jeremy J.; Hay, Simon I.; Yu, Hongjie Predicting the risk of avian influenza A H7N9 infection in live-poultry markets across Asia. Natural Communications, 2014. 5. (SCI12.353)1区  Top


  1. Guo, D.*, H. Zhou, Y. Zou, W. Yin, H. Yu, Y. Si, J. Li, Y. Zhou, X. Zhou and R. J. S. Magalhes (2013). "Geographical Analysis of the Distribution and Spread of Human Rabies in China from 2005 to 2011." PLoS ONE 8(8): e72352.SCI2.766)【3区】

  2. Yu, H., J. T. Wu, B. J. Cowling, Q. Liao, V. J. Fang, S. Zhou, P. Wu, H. Zhou, E. H. Y. Lau, D. Guo, M. Y. Ni, Z. Peng, L. Feng, H. Jiang, H. Luo, Q. Li, Z. Feng, Y. Wang, W. Yang and G. M. Leung (2013). "Effect of closure of live poultry markets on poultry-to-person transmission of avian influenza A H7N9 virus: an ecological study." The Lancet 2013.(SCI53.254)1区   Top

  3. Wang, Y., Y. Zhou, Y. Liu, Z. Luo, D. Guo, J. Shao, F. Tan, L. Wu, J. Li and B. Yan (2013). "A grid-based clustering algorithm for wild bird distribution." Frontiers of Computer Science 7(4): 475-485.SCI1.105)【CCF-C  4区】

Selected Peer-reviewed Conference Paper

  1. Zhang, M., Guo, D., Hu, J. & Jin, W. Risk prediction and assessment of foodborne disease based on big data. in Proceedings of the 5th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on the Use of GIS in Emergency Management 1–6 (Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2019). doi:10.1145/3356998.3365776.Best Workshop Paper Award

  2. Wang, Deqiang, D. Guo, and H. Zhang. (2017)"Spatial Temporal Data Visualization In Emergency Management: A view from data-driven decision." , ACM Sigspatial Workshop EM-GIS, 2017:1-7.

  3. Danhuai Guo*,, Yuanchun Zhou, Yingqiu Zhu, and Jianhui Li (2016) “Species Distribution Modeling via Spatial Bagging of Multiple Conditional Random Fields”  The 21st International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA), Dallas, TX, USA CCF-B

  4. Yingqiu Zhu, Danhuai Guo*, Deqiang Wang and Jianhui Li (2016) “How to find Environmental Risk Factors of Zoonotic Infectious Disease quickly” ACM SIGSPATIAL 2016-Emergency Management using GIS workshopCaliforniaUSA Best Workshop Paper Award

  5. Guo D, Du Y. (2016) A visualization platform for spatio-temporal data: A data intensive computation framework[C]// International Conference on Geoinformatics. IEEE, 2016:1-6.

  6. Cui W, Guo D. (2016) Vehicle delay series forecast based on trajectories of GPS tracked cabs International Conference on Geoinformatics. IEEE, 2016:1-7.

  7. Danhuai Guo, Qingchun Yan, Wenjuan Cui, Jianhui Li (2015) “How to Integrate Open Source Resource to Assess Emergency Management: a Framework and Applications” ACM SIGSPATIAL 2015-Emergency Management using GIS workshopSeattleUSA  Best Workshop Paper Award

  8. Danhuai Guo, Yingqiu Zhu, Yong Ge, Wei Xu, Yuanchun Zhou, Jianhuiu Li(2015) “How to Find Appropriate Automobile Exhibition Halls: Towards a Personalized Recommendation Service for Auto Show” ICDM HuMoComp WorkshopAtlantic city New Jersey USA

  9. Xiao Xiao, Yong Ge, Yunchang Guo, Danhuai Guo, Yi Shen, Yuanchun Zhou, Jianhui Li Automated Detection for Probable Homologous Foodborne Disease Outbreaks, PAKDD 2015 CCF-C

  1. Danhuai Guo, Yi Du(2015), “A visual platform for spatio-temporal data: a data intensive computation framework” Geoinformatics 2015, Wuhan China

  2. Y Wang, D Guo*, K Liu, Y Xiong (2014). “A fast algorithm of geometry generalization”, ACM SIGSPATIAL 2014DallasUSA The First Prize of ACM GIS Cup

  3. S Shang, D Guo*, J Liu, K Liu (2014). “Human Mobility Prediction and Unobstructed Route Planning in Public Transport Networks” Mobile Data Management (MDM), 2014 IEEE  CCF-C

  4. Danhuai, Guo, Jianhui, Li, Hongjie, Cao, Yuanchun, Zhou.(2013) A collaborative large spatiotemporal data visualization architecture for emergence response. The 8th International Symposium on Digital Earth. 2013. Kuching, Sarawak, Malasia: IOP: Earth and Environmental Science.

  5. Guo, D., K. Wu, Z. Zhang and W. Xiang (2012). WMS-based Flow Mapping Services. IEEE services 2012, Hawaii, USA, IEEE.

  6. Delu Zhu ;  Kaichao Wu ;  Danhuai Guo ;  Yuanmin Chen Parallelized Force-Directed Edge Bundling on the GPU DCABES 2012

  7. Guo, D., K. Wu, J. Li and Y. Wang (2010). Spatial scene similarity assessment on Hadoop. ACM SIGSPATIAL'. San Jose, California, ACM: 39-42.

  8. Danhuai Guo, Trajectories Mining for Traffic Condition Renewing, ADMA 2008