Calculating Safety Parameter


主讲人:Professor Josef Borcsok

时间 2011-10-21 9:00:00 (报名截止时间 2011-10-22 0:00:00)
地点 逸夫会议中心三层学术报告厅
Safety Technology: In the past few years models and technologies have been addressed on safety-related computer technology. The influences of digital computer systems increase consistently. Furthermore, safety technologies for computer architectures, sensors, communications and system programming are gaining more importance, national and international wide. Quantitative and qualitative criteria are necessary in order to evaluate and judge safety related systems, which is necessary when such systems should be used in safety critical applications. Also in safety systems, the diagnostic is an important subject and an important research domain. Preventive methods and procedures have to be determined, developed and established. Topics of interest, but not limited: - Safety architectures for sensors - Distributed sensor system - Calculation of safety and reliability parameters - Software development for safety related systems - Safety related communication and protocols - Safe wireless communication - Validation and verification - Preventive maintaining
Josef Borcsok was born in 1959. He received his B.Sc. degree in 1986 (University of Applied Sciences in Darmstadt), the M.Sc. degree in 1991 (University of Kassel) and the Ph. D. in 1995 (Technical University of Ilmenau). He was for more than 10 years researchers in leading positions in the industry (Avionics, Industrial control and Safety- Computer). During this time he lectures at universities, as well as at universities of applied sciences with lectures of automation systems, computer technology, real-time systems, network techniques and safety-related computer technology. Since 2005 he is Professor and head of the Department Computer architecture and System programming at the University of Kassel in Germany. The major research interests are in the field of modelling of safety-related computer technology, real-time systems, network techniques, sensor and distributed sensor systems and calculations models for PFD/PFH and MTTF. He work since years on several national and international standardisations committees and is member of DKE committees, IEEE, IET and BCS. He has more than 120 publications in the refereed international journals. Professor Josef Borcsok同时是德国HIMA公司副总裁,以下是HIMA公司介绍:德国HIMA公司创建于1908年,是全球著名的安全控制系统专业制造商。自1970年推出世界上第一套TüV认证的故障安全型控制系统Planar起,HIMA公司就一直处于安全控制领域的最前沿,她引导了全球先后三代安全控制系统技术的发展。 HIMA公司长期致力于安全控制系统的开发和应用,并在该领域始终保持技术领先地位。四十多年来,HIMA公司生产的安全控制系统已有25,000多套投入使用,广泛分布于世界各地的石化、海上石油平台、油气长输管线、冶金、电力、机械制造、交通运输以及大型公共建筑等行业领域。