教学课程Teaching Courses
课程名称 | 面向对象 |
信号与系统(Signals and Systems) | 本科生 |
随机信号分析(Random Signals Analysis) | 本科生 |
数字图像处理(Digital  Image  Processing) | 本科生 |
主要科研项目 Research Projects
项目名称 | 项目来源 | |
基于最近正则子空间模型的高光谱遥感图像分类及异常检测研究 | 国家自然科学基金 | 参与 |
数据和知识驱动的间歇过程数据异常智能检测及多目标校正方法 | 国家自然科学基金 | 参与 |
过程层析像质分析与测量技术开发 | 企业横向课题 | 主持 |
基于3D-ICT图像亚象素精度轮廓追踪软件开发 | 企业横向课题 | 主持 |
主要论文Research Paper
Qiaoning Yang,Jianlin Wang*, A wavelet based multiscale weighted permutation entropy method for sensor fault feature extraction and identification [J], Journal of Sensors, (SCI), 2016, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2016/9693651.
Qiaoning Yang*,Jianlin Wang, Multi-level wavelet Shannon entropy- based method for single-sensor fault location [J], Entropy, (SCI), 2015, 17, 7101-7117.
Qiaoning Yang*,Weimin Shi, Juan Chen, Weiguo Lin, Deep convolution neural network-based transfer learning method for civil infrastructure crack detection, Automation in Construction,(SCI), 2020
Weiguo Lin, Yichao Sun,Qiaoning Yang*, Yaru Lin, Real-time comprehensive image processing system for detecting concrete bridges crack, Computers and Concrete, (SCI), 2019, 23(6), 445-457.
Yifeng Xu, Juan Chen,QiaoningYang*, Qing Guo. Human posture recognition and fall detection using Kinect V2 camera. Proceedings of the 38th Chinese Control Conference July 27-30, 2019, Guangzhou, China.8489-8494, 2019.
研究成果Research Achievements