北京化工大学信息科学与技术学院 邀请专家报告信息表






Report Name:

Introduction to the Academic Frontiers of ADRC




Zhiqiang GaoXuejun Wang Wen Tan








自抗扰控制(ADRC)代表一类前沿的工程控制理念,由中国科学院韩京清研究员吸收工程中广泛应用的PID控制的优点,并大胆拓展现代控制理论状态空间方法,而提出的一种不依赖复杂数学模型来应对非线性、不确定性和扰动的控制方法。以高志强教授为代表的学者,致力于自抗扰控制技术的推广与应用,使自抗扰控制技术突破了参数整定的瓶颈,以高效、鲁棒、节能、简单易行的特点在工业界突破了PID的垄断,取得了生产线上惊人的节能效果,并陆续被Texas IntrumentParker-Hannifin等跨国公司采用。本次学术沙龙邀请了自抗扰控制相关领域的专家学者,围绕自抗扰相关领域的学术前沿动态、热点研究方向等议题展开研讨和交流,为自抗扰相关领域的专家学者及研究生提供交流平台。旨在聚焦学科方向,分享前沿学术成果,交流学术思想,促进学科发展。

Introduction to the Report (200-300 words):

ADRC represents a class of cutting-edge engineering control concepts. It is a control method that does not rely on complex mathematical models to cope with nonlinearity, uncertainty and perturbation, proposed by researcher Jingqing Han of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. This method absorbs the advantages of PID control, which is widely used in engineering, and boldly expands the state-space approach of modern control theory. The scholars represented by Zhiqiang Gao are committed to the promotion and application of ADRC, which makes ADRC break through the bottleneck of parameter rectification, and breaks through the monopoly of PID in the industrial world with the characteristics of high efficiency, robustness, energy saving, simplicity and ease of implementation, and achieves amazing energy saving effect on the production line, has been successively adopted by Texas Instrument, Parker-Hannifin and other multinational companies. This academic salon invites experts and scholars in the field of ADRC related fields to discuss and exchange ideas on topics such as academic cutting-edge dynamics and hot research directions in the field of self-immunity related fields, and provides a communication platform for experts, scholars and postgraduates in the field of self-immunity related fields. It aims to focus on the direction of the discipline, share cutting-edge academic achievements, exchange academic ideas and promote the development of the discipline.



王学军毕业于美国伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校,获数学博士学位。他目前在总部位于芝加哥的投资研究和管理公司 Morningstar Inc. 他的研究兴趣包括人工智能和机器学习及其在金融服务中的应用。他是推荐系统和大型语言模型应用领域的活跃研究员。


Biography (200-300 words):

Zhiqiang Gao received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Notre Dame in 1990 and he has taught at CSU ever since. Working quietly at CSU for over 20 years, Dr. Gao nurtured a ground-breaking, but obscure, idea from its early, conceptual stage to a maturing and emerging paradigm world-wide. Asking foundational questions, Dr. Gao and his team bring vitality back to industry practice and engineering education.

Xuejun Wang received the Ph.D. degree in mathematics from the University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA. He is currently working as a Senior Principal Data Scientist at Morningstar Inc., an investment research and management firm headquartered in Chicago. His research interests include Al and machine learning, and its applications in financial services. He is an active researcher in area of recommender systems and application of large language models.

Wen Tan is a professor in the Department of Automation, North China Electric Power University. He received his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees from the Department of Mathematics, Xiamen University, the Department of System Science, Xiamen University, and the Department of Automatic Control, South China University of Technology. He is a member of IEEE. He was awarded the Second Prize of China Electric Power Science and Technology. He is currently engaged in the research of advanced control theory and technology, aimed at the modeling and control of complex systems such as power systems. Recently, he has been focusing on ADRC.


