


晓星,博士副教授,测控技术与仪器系主任。北京化工大学“微系统与可穿戴医疗设备及生物传感技术创新研究团队”骨干成员。2011年于上海交通大学微电子专业取得学士学位,2016年于香港科技大学电子及计算机工程系取得博士学位。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目,北京化工大学人才引进项目。研究方向包括生物医学微系统研究(Biomedical Microsystem)、微流控与芯片实验室研究(Microfluidics and Lab-on-a-chip system)、细胞控制与分析和生物分子分析微平台(Micro platform for cell manipulation and ****ysis, biomolecule ****ysis)、现场及时检测医学器件研究(point-of-care-testing POCT)2013年以来发表学术论文20余篇其中第一/通讯作者发表SCI论文7篇, 顶级会议EI论文 9篇;讲授本科课程《微机电系统》《光电检测技术》《嵌入式医疗硬件基础》,留学生全英文课程《微机电芯片与系统》。获得北京市青年教师教学基本功大赛三等奖北京化工大学青年教师教学基本功大赛基本功大赛一等奖。通信地址:北京市朝阳区北三环东路15北京化工大学信息学院309电子邮箱xxing@mail.buct.edu.cn

主要科研项目 Research Projects







主要论文Research Paper

  • Yingchun Ding, Liqi Yu, Chaomin Zhang, Huimei He, Bin Zhang, Qiang Liu, Duli Yu, and Xiaoxing Xing (通讯作者). High-throughput microfluidic particle velocimetry using optical time-stretch microscopy. Applied Physics Letters115(3), 033702, 2019.

  • Xiaoxing Xing (第一作者),   Chun Ning Ng,  Ming Lok Chau and  Levent Yobas. Railing cells along 3D microelectrode tracks for continuous-flow dielectrophoretic sorting. Lab on a Chip, 18(24), 3760-3769, 2018.

  • Xiaoxing Xing (第一作者), Yueyue Pan, Levent Yobas. A Low-Backpressure Single-Cell Point Constriction for Cytosolic Delivery Based on Rapid Membrane Deformations. Analytical chemistry, 90(3), 1836-1844, 2018.

  • Chengwu Han, Ziheng Liang, Duli Yu,  Xiaoxing Xing (通讯作者). A Single-Cell Impedance Micro-Cytometer Featuring 3D Electro-Fluidic Structures Monolithically Integrated Within Silver Pdms. TRANSDUCERS & EUROSENSORS XXXIII (Transducers2019), pp. 9-12.

  • Xiaofeng Nie, Zhongle Zhang ,Chengwu Han, Duli Yu, Xiaoxing Xing (通讯作者). Dielectrophoretic Cell Separation using Conducting Silver PDMS Microelectrodes Featuring Non-Uniform Sidewall Profile. IEEE MEMS2019, pp. 39-42, 2019.

  • Xiaofeng Nie, Ziheng Liang, Youyu Lu, Yao Cai, Chaomin Zhang, and Xiaoxing Xing (通讯作者). Bidirectional cell sliding on active tracks for high throughput dielectrophoretic cell sorting in continuous-flow. IEEE MEMS2020, pp. 1018-1021, 2020.

  • Chaomin Zhang, Duli Yu, and Xiaoxing Xing (通讯作者). High velocity dielectrophoretic cell separation using continuously extended sidewall featuring undercut profile. IEEE MEMS2020, pp. 1044-1047, 2020.

研究成果Research Achievements